Few Highlights of Economic Survey 2016
By thestatesman.com
Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Friday 26th Feb presented the Economic Survey 2016-17. The survey projected a 7.6 per cent economic growth rate for the current fiscal. Following are the highlights of the survey.
* Eight per cent growth in next couple of years
* The Indian economy stands out as a haven of macroeconomic stability, resilience and optimism and can be expected to register GDP growth that could be in the range of 7.0 per cent to 7.75 per cent in the coming year
* Despite difficult global environment, India likely to be fastest growing major economy in the world in 2016
* Economy will continue to weather global sluggishness with resilience; outlook of multilateral institutions positive for India
* Fiscal deficit target of 3.9 percent for 2015-16 seems achievable
* Coming year expected to be a challenging one from fiscal point of view
* Current Account Deficit (CAD) limits at 1.4 percent of GDP during April-September 2015-16
* GST rollout to mark an unprecedented reforms measure in the modern global tax history
* Indian equity market relatively resilient compared to other major emerging market economies
* Financial inclusion proceeding ppace under PMJD Yojana
* Several initiatives taken would help transforming infrastructure sector
* FTAs leading to increased imports and exports
* Trade deficit declines to $106.8 billion in April-January 2015-16 from $119.6 billion in corresponding period of 2014-15
* Foreign exchange reserves at $351.5 billion as on February 5, 2016
* Services Sector remains key driver of economic growth, contributing almost 66.1 per cent in 2015-16
* FDI equity inflows in the services sector grew by 74.7 percent to $14.8 billion in the first seven months of 2015-16
* 2015 was a landmark Year for India in climate change initiatives
* India ranks first in milk production, accounting for 18.5 percent of world production
* India recording growth of 6.26 percent whereas world milk production increases by 3.1 per cent
Per capita availability of milk in India increased from 176 grams per day in 1990-91 to 322 grams per day by 2014-15
* Egg and fish production has also registered an increasing trend over the years
* Production of fish during the last quarter of 2015-16 shown an increasing trend and is estimated at 4.79 MT
* Impressive strides made in the power sector in the last two years: addition of record generation capacity, moves towards one market in power, reform of discoms and development of renewable energy
* Time ripe for industries to absorb excess generation capacity through “open access” to energize Make in India
* A progressive tariff structure can reduce costs for the poor without unduly burdening the rich
* Agriculture sector needs a transformation to ensure sustainable livelihoods for the farmers and for food security
* Disbursal of subsidy on fertilizers should shift to DBT
* Fixed amount of subsidy in the case of P and K fertilizer subsidy
* Need for shift to demand-driven agricultural advisory services
* Percentage share of horticulture output in agriculture is more than 33 per cent
* Over the last decade, area under horticulture grew by about 2.7 percent per annum and annual production increased by seven per cent
* Production of horticulture crops has Outpaced production of foodgrain Since 2012-13
* For food security in the current agriculture scenario, India has to focus on supplies which are timely, uninterrupted and affordable for the poor
* 57 per cent of households had calorie intake below 2,160 KCal/consumer unit/day
* Average protein intake per capita per day rises steadily
* India has the second highest number of undernourished people, warranting immediate attention
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